Once you have successfully completed filling out your return with Wealthsimple Tax, you will need to review and submit your return.
Review your return
In the Review & Optimize section, click the Review & Optimize button. Wealthsimple Tax will review your entire return and, if applicable, a list of Errors, Warnings and Suggestions will appear.
Errors are items on your tax return that must be corrected before you can submit your return. Each error will be listed in the Review & Optimize section. In the left column, a red number will appear next to a section corresponding to the number of errors in that section.
The field(s) in error will be highlighted in red. Clicking on a red field will pop up a message explaining what the issue is.
If you are preparing your tax return linked with your Spouse or Common-law partner’s tax return, all errors on both partners’ returns will need to be corrected before either return can be submitted.
Warnings are items on your tax return that may or may not be incorrect, but are either uncommonly entered or items we want you to double-check; it’s best to review each. If not applicable, you can dismiss the item using the X in the top right corner.
Suggestions are items that help maximize your refund. We don’t want you to miss out on any credits or deductions, so any that might apply to your tax situation are listed. If not applicable, you can dismiss the item using the X in the top right corner.
Tip: A negative number in the Amounts table means you have a balance due. If you have a balance due, you will need to make a payment to the CRA or Revenu Québec.
Submit your return
Once you’ve reviewed your tax return and everything is correct, you can submit your return. You can either submit your return online via NETFILE, or print and mail your return.
Submit your return through NETFILE
When submitting your return through NETFILE, you do not need to include any slips or receipts. However, make sure to keep these on file for six years in case the CRA or Revenu Québec asks to see them.
- Click Submit on the left-hand side of your screen
- Click the Review & optimize button
- Fix any Errors you’ve received and review the Warnings and Suggestions
- Click Submit tax return
- Confirm that the details of the return that’s about to be submitted are correct.
- Review the NETFILE Terms and Conditions and check the box if you agree to the terms and conditions.
- Click Submit tax return
- If you are a resident of Québec, you will also need to submit your provincial tax return to Revenu Québec. Repeat the same steps as above under the Submit Québec Tax Return section.
Mail your printed tax return
If you are not able to submit your return through NETFILE, you can mail in your return instead.
Save your return
To print your return to be mailed to the CRA follow the instructions below:
- Click Submit on the left-hand side of your screen
- Click the Review & optimize button
- Fix any Errors you’ve received and review the Warnings and Suggestions
- The tax return you mail to CRA must be in a specific format - the T1 Condensed tax return. Click Print tax return and a .pdf file of the tax return in this condensed format will download to your device.
Mail your return to CRA
Once you have saved your return, you can print and mail it in.
- Print the .pdf of your condensed tax return
- Review each page
- Include copies of the required slips and receipts (if applicable)
- Sign the necessary pages (e.g. below line 48400)
- Mail everything to your CRA tax centre
It generally takes the CRA eight weeks to process a paper return.
Save your Québec tax return - residents of Québec only
To print your return to be mailed to Revenu Québec follow the instructions below:
- Click Submit on the left-hand side of your screen
- Click the Review & optimize button
- Fix any Errors you’ve received and review the Warnings and Suggestions
- The tax return you mail to Revenu Québec must be in a specific format - form TPF-1. Click the Print tax return button in the Submit Québec Tax Return section and a .pdf file of the tax return in this TPF-1 format will download to your device. If you don’t see the Print tax return button it means that you’re eligible for NetFile Québec and need to file electronically.
Mail your return to Revenu Québec
Once you have saved your return, you can print and mail it in.
- Print the .pdf of your Québec tax return
- Review each page
- Sign and date form TPF-1.W-V.
- Include copies of the required slips and receipts if applicable.
- Mail everything to Revenu Québec.
It generally takes Revenu Québec four to six weeks to process a paper return.
Confirm you submitted your return
When using NETFILE, immediately after you submit your return, you will receive a message confirming the date and time it was received along with a confirmation number unique to that submission. Your federal and Québec tax returns will each have their own confirmation number once each has been submitted to the respective government agency.
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