Rent payment claims are only available as tax credits in certain provinces. Here's how to claim rent payments in Wealthsimple Tax based on your location:
Ontario residents:
- Navigate to the Personal Information section in your profile
- Go to the Ontario Trillium Benefit subsection
- Answer "Yes" to the question "Will you apply for the Ontario Trillium Benefit?"
- This will add the Ontario Trillium Benefit: Property and Energy Tax Grants and Credits section to your profile
- Alternatively, you can manually add the Ontario Trillium Benefit: Property and Energy Tax Grants and Credits section to your profile
- In the newly added section, answer "Yes" to the question "Apply for the: Ontario energy and property tax credit?"
- Enter your rent information as prompted
Manitoba residents:
- Navigate to the Personal information section in your profile
- Go to the Manitoba Tax Credits subsection
- Answer "Yes" to the question "Will you apply for the personal tax credit, education property tax credit and/or school tax credit?"
- This will add the Manitoba Tax Credits section to your profile
- Alternatively, you can manually add the Manitoba Tax Credits section to your profile
- In the newly added section, answer "Yes" to the question "Claim the residential renters tax credit, education property tax credit, and/or school tax credit?"
- Enter your rent information as prompted
Québec residents:
- Navigate to the Personal information section in your profile
- Go to the Revenu Québec subsection
- Answer "Yes" to the question "Will you claim the Solidarity Tax Credit?"
- This will add the Solidarity Tax Credit section to your profile
- Alternatively, you can manually add the Solidarity Tax Credit section to your profile
- In the newly added section, answer "Yes, I rented it" to the question "Did you own or rent your home?"
- Report the amount from your RL-31 slip in this section
For self-employed individuals or employees with work-from-home expenses:
- You can enter your rent where you claim your use-of-home expenses.
Important notes:
Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the credit
Keep all rent receipts and supporting documents for your records
The amount of your credit may vary based on your age, marital status, and income
- Ensure you meet all eligibility criteria for your province's rent-related tax credits
- Report accurate information based on your rent receipts and RL-31 slip (for Québec residents)
If you need help locating these sections in Wealthsimple Tax, please contact Wealthsimple support. For questions about your eligibility to claim rent payments, consider consulting with a tax expert.
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