After entering information in the Donations and Gifts section, your refund or balance may not immediately change. Here's how to ensure your donations are reflected in your tax calculation:
- Use the Review & Optimize feature:
- Click the Review & Optimize button in the Review & Optimize section
- This recalculates your return, including the optimal use of donations
Alternatively, adjust amounts manually:
- Go to the Summary > Optimizations section
- Change the donation amounts as needed
Why this process is necessary:
- Donations can be carried forward for up to five years
- Wealthsimple Tax calculates the most beneficial way to use your donations
- This prevents inadvertent use of donations that might be more valuable in future years
How Review & Optimize works:
- Runs hundreds of calculations
- Determines optimal claim amount for the current year
- Decides if carrying donations forward is more beneficial
Important notes:
- You retain control over donation allocation
- Review the suggested allocations before submitting your return
- You can manually adjust how donations are used
- Always use Review & Optimize after entering new information
- Check the allocation of donations in the Summary > Optimizations section
If you need assistance with donation entries or understanding the optimization results in Wealthsimple Tax, please contact Wealthsimple support. For questions about the tax implications of your charitable donations, consider consulting with a tax expert.
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