There are certain countries where you can't use your Wealthsimple Cash card. This list is subject to change, so be sure to check back in from time to time as the list of countries could change.
Note: In India, you can only make purchases with your physical Cash card. Virtual Cash card transactions aren't supported.
We'll automatically reject transactions made in the countries below:
- Albania
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Plurinational State of Bolivia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Central African Republic
- Congo
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Cote d'Ivoire
- Cuba
- Eritrea
- Ethiopia
- Ghana
- Haiti
- Indonesia
- Islamic Republic of Iran
- Iraq
- Kenya
- People’s Democratic Republic of Korea
- Kosovo
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Liberia
- Libya
- Macedonia
- Mali
- Mauritius
- Montenegro
- Myanmar
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Serbia
- Sierra Leone
- Slovenia
- Somalia
- South Sudan
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Tanzania
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Venezuela
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
Note: This applies to all transactions, including ATM withdrawals.
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