If the spousal amount isn't appearing on line 30300 of your Schedule 1, despite being on Schedule 5, follow these steps to resolve the issue:
- Enter your partner's income:
- For linked returns: Enter income in your partner's Wealthsimple Tax profile
- For unlinked returns: Enter your partner's income in the Your Partner section
- Confirm no income for your partner:
- Go to the Review & Optimize section in your Wealthsimple Tax profile
- Click the Review & Optimize button
- Confirm your partner has no income when prompted
For partners who immigrated to Canada this year:
For linked profiles:
- Ensure your partner has answered these questions in their Personal information > About Your Residency section:
- Net income for the part of the year they weren't a resident of Canada
- Net income for the part of the year they were a resident of Canada
For unlinked profiles:
- Complete the immigration-related fields in the Your Partner section of your profile
If the credit still doesn't appear, check these potential issues:
For linked returns:
- Ensure you've clicked the Review & Optimize button in both profiles
- If both returns show a positive amount on Schedule 5, only the higher-income person can claim it
For unlinked returns:
- Verify you haven't checked the box in the Your Partner section indicating you won't report your partner's income
Additional considerations:
- You can't claim both a spousal amount and an eligible dependant amount
- Verify your eligibility to claim an eligible dependant before filing your return
Québec residents:
- The checkbox for not reporting your partner's income isn't available
If line 30300 shows $0:
- You may not be eligible for the partner amount due to your prorated base amount and your partner's net income for their period of Canadian residency
- Check Schedule 5 in the Summary > Documents section for details
- The spousal amount calculation depends on accurate income reporting
- Review both profiles (if linked) to ensure optimal allocation
- Immigration status can affect eligibility and calculations
If you need assistance adjusting your spousal amount claim in Wealthsimple Tax, please contact Wealthsimple support. For questions about your eligibility for the spousal amount, especially in cases involving immigration, consider consulting with a tax expert.
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