If you're having trouble submitting your tax return in Wealthsimple Tax, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Submit section in your profile
Click on the Review & Optimize button
Address any errors in the Review & Optimize > Errors section:
- Errors are indicated with a red sidebar
- Some errors have a "Fix it" button that takes you to the relevant section
- Others may ask you to confirm or adjust the entered information
Check for red numbers next to section names in the left-hand navigation bar:
- These indicate potentially missing or incorrect information
- If a section with a red number doesn't apply to you, delete it
After making changes, click the Review & Optimize button again to update the list of errors, warnings, and suggestions
Review any warnings and suggestions (these won't prevent submission but are worth checking)
Once all errors are cleared, click the Go to submit button to return to the Submit section
Click the Submit tax return button to initiate the NETFILE process
Select your plan:
- For the Basic plan (available for accounts submitting two returns or less), enter your contribution amount or $0 if you don't want to contribute
- Click the Proceed button
Review your information, agree to the NETFILE terms and conditions, and click Submit
Important notes:
- Errors must be cleared before you can submit your return
- Changes to your entries require re-running the Review & Optimize function
- The receipt for your payment is not a confirmation of submission
- Double-check all information before submitting
- Keep all tax documents and receipts for your records
If you need assistance navigating the software or have questions about where to enter specific information, please contact Wealthsimple support.
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