If you don’t see anything in the Submit section, click Check & Optimize, clear any errors, and if you don’t see the green Let’s Go button, click Check & Optimize again.
The Submit section is below the Summary section. If the submit button doesn’t appear in the Submit section, it means that Wealthsimple Tax thinks your return is not ready to be submitted. Here’s what to do:
Click Check & Optimize. If you don’t see the Submit button, you should always try clicking Check & Optimize even if you have already done this several times before. Every change you make to your return (even clearing errors) sets your return to a not ready state, and you need to check it again before you can submit.
If you have a linked partner, finish their return and Check & Optimize their return. Neither of your returns are ready until both are ready. While most situations won’t require much back-and-forth between returns, some changes you make to your partner’s return will impact your return (meaning you need to recheck your own). If you don’t want to re-run the optimizer, you can lock-in your results using the little grey lock icons in the Optimization Results table.
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