If you are having trouble saving your tax return, we recommend trying the following:
- Ensure all instances of Wealthsimple and Wealthsimple Tax are closed/exited (this applies to different devices, etc.)
- Log in using this link: https://my.wealthsimple.com/app/login
- After logging in, do not click on anything
- Open your browser's console: visual instructions for opening the console can be found here
- Copy (ctrl/cmd + c) and paste (ctrl/cmd + v) this link into your browser address bar: https://my.wealthsimple.com/tax/2023/
- Refresh your browser page (ctrl or cmd + r)
- If the errors still occur, screenshot the whole page including the browser’s console and email it to us
Note: You must send the screenshot from step 7 before we can escalate.
Additional steps you should take as well:
- ensure your computer clock is set to the proper time: if it's set in the future, this interferes with Wealthsimple's authentication mechanisms
- clearing your cookies
- turning off your VPN, if applicable
- disabling any ad-blockers or other browser extensions
- try a different browser (we suggest Chrome)
- try a different machine (i.e. another computer, tablet, a friend or family member’s device)
- try a different internet network (i.e. a friend or family member's internet network)
- reboot your router (unplug it from power, wait at least 30 seconds, plug it back in, and wait for the internet to come back)
- reboot your device
If none of these things works, then we recommend starting your return again. To start over your return, follow the steps below:
- Head to https://my.wealthsimple.com/ and sign in to your Wealthsimple account
- Select Tax from the top menu
- Select your tax return
- At the top-right of your screen, click Account and then My tax returns
- Next to the return that is not saving, click Clear and start over
Once you've cleared your tax return, you can start over.
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