When you click the Review & Optimize button in Wealthsimple Tax, your refund or balance may change. Here's why this happens and what to expect:
How Review & Optimize works:
- Runs calculations to maximize your tax benefits
- Adds certain credits that weren't previously included
- Optimizes deductions and credits for linked partner profiles
What to expect:
- Your overall tax situation should improve
- Your balance should decrease or refund increase
- For linked profiles, the combined benefit is optimized
For individual profiles:
- You should only see positive changes in your tax outcome
For linked partner profiles:
- One partner's refund might decrease slightly
- The other partner's refund will increase to offset this
- The total benefit for both partners will be greater
Important notes:
- You must click the Review & Optimize button before submitting your tax return
- Review the changes made by the optimizer
To review optimization results:
- Go to the Summary section in your Wealthsimple Tax profile
- Check the Credits and deductions table in the Summary > Optimizations section for detailed changes
- Keep your profile information up-to-date for accurate optimization
- You can adjust optimizer suggestions if needed
For assistance using the Review & Optimize feature in Wealthsimple Tax, please contact Wealthsimple support.
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