If you've made changes to your profile in Wealthsimple Tax and don't see an update to your refund or balance, here are some common reasons:
- You're already receiving your maximum refund:
- Many credits are non-refundable, meaning they can only reduce tax owed to zero
- If you're already getting back all the tax you paid, additional credits won't increase your refund
- Amounts are being applied to your linked partner's profile:
- To check credit allocation:
- Navigate to the Summary > Optimizations section
- Expand the amounts in the Credits & Deductions table
- You can adjust how credits and deductions are allocated between you and your partner
- To check credit allocation:
- Your profile has already been optimized:
- After optimization, amounts in the Credits & Deductions table override manual entries
- To see new changes reflected:
- Navigate to the Review & Optimize section near the bottom of your profile
- Click Review & Optimize again
- Always "Review & Optimize" after making changes to see updated calculations
- Some credits may not affect your refund or balance due to your specific tax situation
If you're unsure about how specific credits or deductions affect your tax situation, consider consulting with a tax expert. Or if you need help navigating the optimization process in Wealthsimple Tax, please contact Wealthsimple support.
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