If you need to remove a previously selected source country when reporting foreign income in Wealthsimple Tax, follow these steps:
- Locate the source country dropdown:
- Find the field where you previously selected a source country
- Open the dropdown menu:
- Click or tap on the dropdown to reveal the list of countries
- Remove the source country:
- Scroll to the top of the list
- Select the blank entry (usually the first option)
- Confirm the change:
- Ensure the field is now empty
- The previously selected country should no longer appear
Important notes:
- Removing the source country may affect your foreign tax credit calculations
- Ensure you're removing the correct country if you have multiple foreign income sources
When to remove a source country:
- If you entered the country by mistake
- When consolidating foreign income from multiple countries
If you need assistance removing a source country or reporting foreign income in Wealthsimple Tax, please contact Wealthsimple support.
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