You may claim the Canada caregiver amount if your dependant:
- Is your partner, minor child, eligible dependant, or other dependant aged 18 or older
- Is disabled or impaired
- Depends on you for support
A dependant relies on you for basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing.
Documentation requirements
- For dependants qualifying for the disability amount:
- No additional documentation needed
- For dependants not qualifying for the disability amount:
- Keep a doctor's note on file
- Note should indicate impairment onset and expected duration
Claiming for minor children
Only claim if your child is disabled or impaired compared to children of the same age.
The doctor's note should state:
- The child has a physical or mental impairment
- Impairment causes indefinite dependence on others
- The child needs significantly more assistance than others their age
To claim the Canada caregiver amount in Wealthsimple Tax:
For a spouse or common-law partner:
- Ensure you've entered the appropriate answer to the question "Marital status on December 31" in the Personal information > You and Your Family sub section
Navigate to the Spouse or Common-Law Partner section in your profile and enter your partner's information
In the Tax situations subsection, answer "Yes" to the question "Does your partner have an infirmity or disability?"
Then answer "Yes" to "Can you claim the Canada caregiver amount for your partner?"
For a dependant (such as a child, parent, aunt/uncle, or sibling):
- Add the Your Dependants section to your profile
- Enter your dependant's information
- Answer "Yes" to the question "Did this dependant have an infirmity or disability?"
- In the Disability, infirmity, and caregiver amount subsection, answer "Yes" to the question "Can you claim the Canada caregiver amount for this dependant?"
For help entering caregiver information in Wealthsimple Tax please contact our support team. For specific advice on claiming the Canada caregiver amount please consult a tax expert.
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