To transfer your dependant’s unused disability amount to your return, add the Your Dependants section to your return and indicate that your dependant has an infirmity or disability.
Under the Disability, infirmity, and caregiver amount heading, indicate that your dependant qualifies for the disability amount and that you will transfer their unused amount to your return. To learn about transferring a minor child’s disability amount, see this post.
You can find your dependant’s unused amounts by switching to their return and navigating to the Disability Amount section. You should only do this once your dependant’s return is complete. If your dependant has a partner, any amount available for transfer will automatically be transferred to the partner’s return and will not be displayed.
Linda’s adult son Jason qualifies for the disability amount and Linda is able to transfer this to her return. To find the amounts she can add to her return, she navigates to Jason’s return using the dropdown button in the top menu bar. Assuming Jason’s return is complete, she navigates to the Disability Amount section and makes note of the amounts he has available for transfer.
On Jason’s return:
Linda then navigates to her return and enters these amounts in the Your Dependants section. She indicates that her son qualifies for the disability amount, and indicates that she will transfer his unused amount. She then enters the federal and provincial amounts.
On Linda’s return:
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