As of February 2025, Wealthsimple will no longer support versions of the Wealthsimple mobile app on iOS 15 or below. This change is designed to ensure our app remains secure, stable, and that we can continuously deliver new features for all of our clients. Periodically, we will review the minimum supported version of iOS to ensure the best experience for all clients.
Which versions of iOS are supported by the Wealthsimple mobile app?
We currently support versions iOS 15.0 and above. However, by the end of February 2025, we will be increasing the minimum version of iOS to iOS 16.0.
What will happen if I have an earlier iOS version than the minimum supported version?
If you upgrade your version of iOS, there will be no change to your Wealthsimple experience. We recommend upgrading your iOS device as soon as possible to avoid any performance issues resulting from using an unsupported version of the app.
However, if you don’t upgrade (or you’re unable to), you will still keep access to the current version of the app but won’t be eligible for any updates and your experience may be subject to degraded performance, loss of functionality or issues that our team won’t be able to support. You can continue to use Wealthsimple on the web or in your mobile browser to access all your money and accounts in one place - with some limits.
How can I update the iOS version on my device?
Follow these steps:
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Navigate to General Software Update.
- Tap Download and Install to upgrade to the latest iOS version.
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