Trading stocks & ETFs
- Buy a stock or ETF
- Sell a stock or ETF
- View, modify, or cancel a pending limit order
- Add or remove a price alert
- View or cancel a pending market, fractional, or stop-limit order
- Turn on dividend reinvestments
- View advanced trading charts
- Extended-hours trading
- Participate in Stock Lending
- Receiving dividends in self-directed investing accounts
- What are odd lots?
- Trade options at Wealthsimple
- Learn about trading over-the-counter securities
- Day trading
- Trading leveraged ETFs
- Trading zero days to expiration options
- Use Watchlist to track a stock, ETF or cryptocurrency
- Understanding how your returns are calculated
- US and Canadian exchange holidays
- Donate shares to a charity
- Does Wealthsimple accept payment for order flow (PFOF)?
- Understanding circuit breakers, other trading halts, and how they impact your ability to use Wealthsimple